Friday, 3 June 2016

How important is your body to you?

You only get one body in this life, so you
need to look after it.
Advice about caring for your body is
conflicting and often confusing, hence it’s
sometimes hard to know what’s best.
Many people abandon any effort to take
care of themselves because it’s just too
But the application of a little science, and quite
a lot more common sense, can go a long way to
helping you to work out what’s best for you and
your body.
This page explains three aspects of caring for
your body: rest and sleep; food, diet and
nutrition; and exercise, it provides a framework
for thinking about doing the right thing by your
A Framework for Thinking
In any aspect of caring for yourself, there
are three questions to ask:
1. What do I want to do?
2. What is best for me?
3. What am I going to do?
The first aspect relates to your emotions: it is
about how you feel , and what you want to do,
whether about what you eat, when you go to
sleep, or how much exercise you take.
The second applies reason to the situation, and
asks what you think .
Finally, you need to balance those two aspects,
and make a decision about what you actually do
in any given situation.
There will be many times when what you want to
do coincides perfectly with what you know you
should do.
You may want to go out for a bike ride because
the sun is shining, or go to bed early because
you are tired.
At other times, you will find that you are very
tempted to do something that you know you
would be better avoiding.
You may want to eat another slice of chocolate
cake, for example, or not take exercise because
you are busy.
It is important to remember that you don’t
always have to do the right thing.
Every now and then, it will be fine to follow your
instincts and eat chocolate, or laze around in
bed all day. But if you do that too often, there
will be consequences. For example, if you
overeat and do not take enough exercise, you
are likely to end up overweight, which can lead
to the development of various chronic diseases
including diabetes.
By all means give yourself a break from time to
time, but don’t let bad behaviour become a habit

because habits are hard to break.

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