Wednesday, 20 April 2016


You as a person is beautiful and important,don't matter your size,many people this days feels insecure and less important,which should'nt be. Dress for yourself and not for people. Your beauty lies in what u see,in yourself and what you bring out of yourself. How you look depends on you. HERE ARE A FEW TIPS ON HOW TO LOOK BEAUTIFUL remember this:sometimes u don't need to only look beautiful you need to feel it. 1. Choose to be beautiful 2. feel beautiful 3. learn to appreciate who you are 4. beauty is unique,always let what makes you unique show 5. dress good and feel good 6. smile at yourself when you look at the mirror 7. tell yourself how beautiful you are and look 8. alway put your head up high and don't be ashamed of you 9. be the best you can be 10. refuse to be someone else YOU ARE A PERFECTION OF GOD'S BEAUTY . Your beauty lies inside you don't forget that.

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