Saturday, 18 June 2016

Appreciate yourself

Most people thinks life is just the way you see it, there is more to life, the value you put in yourself is one of them.
I was in a meeting and we were discussing about appreciating one self, a man said he met a little girl who was being told that she was beautiful and guess her reply, she said I know because my dad tells me alot.
Thats a little girl being taught to appreciate herself from a young age. Thats the mindset we would have had if we were trained to appreciate ourselves, but That is not too late.

How to start appreciating one self

1)for a start, begin with what you like about yourself, like if you think you have a beautiful smile always put it on let it be thing you see when you look at the mirror all the time 
2)secondly, try changing the words you say to yourself, example:when you say i don't look good in this cloth it shows you that the cloth don't make you feel good about yourself so say this cloth don't look good on me meaning the cloth is the one with the issue not you so change it and wear something that will make you feel good and look good, it helps 
3)don't let yourself feel down, sometimes people we love tend to say words that makes us feel bad about ourselves, sometimes it's words like, oh my you are looking fat this days or you look bad in the dress and more, why are you looking this bad? You look too small for your age. And all that.
4). Eat food that are healthy and do exercise daily and like what you see, it helps to build your self-esteem and body image.
5)help others value themselves it's a good way to improve in yourself and and when you dress up make a mental note to ask a child how you look, and let then help you pick out clothes, children likes dress up.
Ok thats all for  now bt you can ask questions on comment and I will reply. Have a nice day

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Your Health matters

If I ask you the question ‘What’s your
health worth?’ I’m guessing you have some
kind of pat answer ready. Like: ‘A lot.’ But
if I were to push you on it, to get you to
really explore the question, what would you
come up with?
Here’s my Coach’s request for you: Get a
sheet of paper and write down all the
things your health allows you to do. Then
price it out. For example: every day that
you are healthy, you get to earn x amount
of dollars from your job or work. This one
may be the easiest to calculate. Now write
down the other things that make your life
worth living, like ‘enjoy your hobbies, play
with your kids, grandkids or pets, be
intimate with your partner, get dressed by
yourself, make your own meals, etc.’ What
are those things worth to you?
Don’t be surprised if many items your
health allows you to do are way more
valuable than what you earn from your pay-
cheque. In fact, it may be very difficult to
put a price tag on many of the items on
your list. Some of them might even be
So, if your health is such an important
commodity, why, then, do you not value it?
And by ‘value it,’ I mean honour it; by
‘value it’ I mean DO something to take care
of it. Why do you think things like: I can’t
afford to eat healthy food. (Bunk.) I can’t
afford to join a gym. (That is NOT the only
venue for exercise.) I can’t afford to work
with someone who can help me figure out
how to really take care of my health for the
long-term. (Seriously? You can’t afford not
Looking at the economics of that last
argument for a moment, health care costs
in North America are rising astronomically.
Why? Because Baby Boomers are getting
older, and younger generations are being
diagnosed with diseases that used to
hallmark senior years. But up to 90% of
the risk factors associated with diseases
that we blame on aging (cancer, diabetes,
heart disease) are related to nutrition and
lifestyle choices you make Every Single
Day and are entirely under your control.
And let me ask you: do you have to wait
until you have a diagnosis before you value
your health? Please take a moment and sit
with that one, and be honest with yourself.
Because, too often, it’s the way it
If you would rather get healthier, and stay
healthier longer, do you know what you
need to know? Are you doing everything
you can? If you’re not, next week’s blog
will focus on some of the reasons you may
not be doing what you say you want to do.
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Until next time, I wish you vibrant health
and a beautiful day,

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Why do we struggle with beauty and body

Why Do We Struggle
With Beauty and Body


The beauty industry spends billions of
dollars a year convincing women that
they need to look thinner, younger and
sexier. Biola Magazine asked Tamara
Anderson — a professor in Biola’s
Rosemead School of Psychology — about
the high toll the media takes on women’s
body image.
How many women struggle with an unhealthy
body image?
The majority of women will say they are
dissatisfied with their bodies, but, on the
flip side, many of them can also tell you
what they like, such as their eyes or hair.
This is healthy because it shows they can
assess themselves. So having a healthy
body image is not about thinking, “I feel
good about myself in all these areas,”
because having areas for improvement is
just the state of being human. But if a
woman feels so bad about how she looks
that she doesn’t leave her house or hang
out with friends, or doesn’t put herself in
a community where she might develop a
romantic attachment, then it’s affecting
her life. And, according to the current
literature, one in four women in
Western culture will have an eating
disorder — anorexia or bulimia — in
their lifetimes.
Do more women in Western culture have an
unhealthy body image than in other cultures?
Eating disorders are seen around the
world in every industrialized country.
But in Western culture, media has a
huge influence on women’s body image,
and we definitely see higher rates of
eating disorders in the West. The
California subculture — home to the
entertainment industry and so many
beaches — is particularly a problem. In
California culture, men are much more
concerned about how their bodies look
than in other places, with what’s pushed
out here as being the ideal body. But it
still does not equal what women deal
How does the media contribute to an unhealthy
body image?
The whole beauty industry is built on,
“You’re not OK the way you are. We’ll
make you better.” It would seem bizarre
to us today, but 50 years ago, when
television was brand new, there were
commercials that would say, “Gain 10
pounds in a week, guaranteed.” Women
bought these products until wafer thin
was considered the best body to have.
Then, for a while, Cindy Crawford
brought in a new kind of image of
models who looked healthier. Also, in
advertisements a woman is often treated
as a body or a collection of body parts
and not a whole. For example, often
you’ll see a part of a woman’s body —
maybe her head isn’t showing and her
knees and below aren’t showing, but the
rest of her body is. That’s a clear
objectification of a woman.
Do celebrities struggle with body image issues?
Yes, they’re also victims of the media.
I’ve worked with models whose names
you’d know based on how popular they
are, and they’ve had to lie in bed for 20
minutes in the morning repeating to
themselves, “I am worthy to get up”
because they think they’re ugly and
they’re depressed and suicidal. Other
people look at them and say, “Wow, they
must have a good life,” but they have no
idea what these women deal with
Does the rise in plastic surgeries influence body
Yes, this has been very disturbing to me.
I just heard a radio ad for breast
implants for $299.95. You could get your
full body redone for something like
$6,000. It sounded like a paint job for a
car. The mentality is, “If you’re unhappy
with something about your body, then
get it fixed.” I just heard of a case from a
colleague who is working with a client
whose parents gave her breast implants
for her 16th birthday. That’s outrageous.
The problem with plastic surgeries is that
— even if one area of the body gets
“fixed” — there’s always something else
to be upset about. If somebody has true
body image issues, then 20 plastic
surgeries won’t fix what’s broken on the
inside. Of course, some people do have
very simple concerns. For example, they
feel they have an unusually large nose as
defined by their culture. If they basically
feel good about themselves otherwise,
then getting a nose job can make them
feel good because that’s all they were
concerned about. But the availability of
plastic surgery to the general public is
clouding the issue of body image.
Besides the media, are there other factors that
contribute to an unhealthy body image?
Family messages are very powerful. I’ve
worked with girls who are 9 years old
who exhibit eating disorder symptoms,
partly because they’ve been told by their
families, “You’re fat. You don’t want to
be fat.” So, they start to see themselves
as unworthy based on body size. If body
image is elevated above other things in
girls’ minds, that can create a problem.
What does current research into body image
The more refined research is showing
the impact of women’s perceived body
image — their ideas of what other people
think of them — rather than what other
people really think of them. There’s a
subtle difference there, like, for instance,
with a husband and wife. The husband
will say, “I think you’re fine,” but if the
woman’s perception is that he really
doesn’t mean that, then that takes a toll
on her. He can be saying until he’s blue
in the face, “I don’t have any trouble
with how you’re shaped and what you
look like,” but her perception is what is
the most powerful.
What steps should be taken if someone suffers
from an unhealthy body image?
With clinical eating disorders,
interventions will vary woman to
woman. I’ve worked with clients who
I’ve told not to read fashion magazines.
That may seem like a small thing, but it’s
not small for somebody who is already
distressed about her body because
fashion magazines depress every
woman. Many people  have spent
a lot of money on themselves , and they also
often surround themselves with people
who reinforce the message that they’re
overweight. These are the girls with
boyfriends who tell them, “You need to
lose some weight.” So, women can choose
to be in relationships with men who
don’t talk that way to them. And
Christian women can learn to see
themselves as God sees them. That can be
a wonderful healing thing, knowing “I’m
one of God’s creatures. He created me.
I’m beautiful to Him.”
How can families help young girls develop a
healthy body image?
I have a 5-year-old sister who loves
to put on outfits and match them. I’ll say,
“Oh, you look beautiful. What a smart
girl you are to be able to be so creative
with your clothes.” So, I’m always
throwing in what a smart girl she is with
how beautiful she looks. However, you
don’t want to go too far the other
direction and deny telling girls they’re
beautiful. Families must also realize that
moms set the tone a lot of the times. If
mom is continually obsessing about her
weight and continually dieting — always
saying, “Oh my goodness, how many
calories are in that?” — that sends a very
strong message to young girls as to what
they should be concerned about and
what’s most important in the world.

Body image

“I want women to be modest in their appearance.
They  should wear decent and appropriate clothing
and not draw attention to themselves by the way
they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or
expensive clothing. For women who claim to be
devoted to God should make themselves attractive
by the good things they do.” I Timothy 2:9-10
I had the honor of traveling the country this past
year talking to young girls and their moms about
a topic I am most passionate about – modesty. I
deeply value modesty and believe it needs to be
taught and modeled to the next generation. We
are called as daughters of the King to live
modestly, so that we aren’t drawing attention to
ourselves, but ultimately that we are pointing the
world to God!
The topic of modesty can be controversial at
times within the church. Some say modesty can
be sexist, while others may take it to the
extremes. Now, we don’t need to run out and
grab our rulers and turtlenecks quite yet –
because modesty isn’t just about what we wear
– it’s about the state of our hearts and how we
present ourselves while representing Who we
There are many myths and misconceptions when
it comes to modesty – let’s look at five of them.
1. Modesty suggests we are ashamed of our
Modesty isn’t about “covering up” our bodies
because we aren’t confident in them. Modesty is
about respecting our bodies and realizing our
value. Beauty isn’t showing more skin – beauty
comes from the inside out. Some of the most
gorgeous women I know live out the call of
modesty, and I believe this makes them even
more beautiful. We are created in the image of
God, my sisters!
2. Modesty is unattractive to the opposite sex.
We’ve all heard the saying, “you are what you
eat.” I believe we attract what we represent. If a
man doesn’t see your beauty because you dress
modestly, then he is not the kind of man you
want to marry! Modesty is attractive. A woman
who is confident in herself, so much so that she
doesn’t see the need to dress immodestly is
attractive. I know so many godly men who only
have eyes for their wives/girlfriends in any room,
not because these women show a lot of skin, but
because these women are confident in who they
are in Christ, and in turn are truly radiant.
3. Modesty isn’t a woman’s problem.
I’ve read and heard a lot of arguments in which it
is stated that women should be able to wear
whatever they want, and if a man has lust in his
eyes, well that’s his problem. Certainly, lust is a
sin, and one in which an individual must answer
for – but why not help our brothers in Christ out
a little by not wearing immodest and indecent
clothing? Men are visual beings, and we can’t
blame them for their struggles if we are
encouraging the problem. Let’s not tease our
brothers in Christ – let’s help them win, and
meanwhile save a little something for our
husband/future husband’s eyes only.
4. Revealing clothing isn’t a distraction – it’s
just clothes.
How we present ourselves matters because of
Who we are ultimately representing. When
clothes are revealing, it is likely we are leaving
an impression of immodesty, instead of leaving
an impression of God. Immodest clothing is a
distraction because it draws attention to us, and
draws attention away from the One we are
5. Modesty is so 2000 and late.
I’ve often heard that the concept of modesty is
outdated – but God’s Word doesn’t have an
expiration date. We are called to live a modest
lifestyle – no matter our age and no matter the
date on the calendar. Modesty doesn’t have to
come at the price of fashion. A few of my young
friends and I pulled together some of our favorite
modest summer looks to help you jump-start
your summer fashion on the right foot!

Do you know That ginger has many things it does for you

Ginger is among the

 healthiest (and most
delicious) spices on the
It is loaded with nutrients
and bioactive compounds
that have powerful benefits
for your body and brain.
Here are 11 health benefits
of ginger that are supported by scientific
1. Ginger Contains Gingerol, a
Substance With Powerful Medicinal
Ginger is a flowering plant that originated from
It belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, and is
closely related to turmeric , cardomon and
The rhizome (underground part of the stem) is
the part commonly used as a spice. It is often
called ginger root, or simply ginger.
Ginger has a very long history of use in various
forms of traditional/alternative medicine. It has
been used to help digestion, reduce nausea and
help fight the flu and common cold, to name a
This is what ground, fresh and sliced ginger
looks like:
Ginger can be used fresh, dried, powdered, or as
an oil or juice, and is sometimes added to
processed foods and cosmetics. It is a very
common ingredient in recipes.
The unique fragrance and flavor of ginger come
from its natural oils, the most important of which
is gingerol.
Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in
ginger, responsible for much of its medicinal
properties. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant effects ( 1).
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2. Ginger Can Treat Many Forms of
Nausea, Especially Morning Sickness
Ginger appears to be highly
effective against nausea
( 2).
For example, it has a long
history of use as a sea
sickness remedy, and there
is some evidence that it
may be as effective as
prescription medication ( 3 ).
Ginger may also relieve nausea and vomiting
after surgery, and in cancer patients undergoing
chemotherapy ( 4, 5).
But it may be the most effective when it comes
to pregnancy-related nausea, such as morning
According to a review of 12 studies that included
a total of 1,278 pregnant women, 1.1-1.5 grams
of ginger can significantly reduce symptoms of
nausea ( 6).
However, ginger had no effect on vomiting
episodes in this study.
Although ginger is considered safe, talk to your
doctor before taking large amounts if you are
pregnant. Some believe that large amounts can
raise the risk of miscarriage, but there are
currently no studies to support this.
3. Ginger May Reduce Muscle Pain
and Soreness
Ginger has been shown to
be effective against
exercise-induced muscle
In one study, consuming 2
grams of ginger per day, for
11 days, significantly reduced muscle pain in
people performing elbow exercises ( 7).
Ginger does not have an immediate impact, but
may be effective at reducing the day-to-day
progression of muscle pain ( 8).
These effects are believed to be mediated by the
anti-inflammatory properties.
4. The Anti-Inflammatory Effects Can
Help With Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a common
health problem.
It involves degeneration of
the joints in the body,
leading to symptoms like
joint pain and stiffness.
In a controlled trial of 247 people with
osteoarthritis of the knee, those who took ginger
extract had less pain and required less pain
medication ( 9).
Another study found that a combination of
ginger, mastic, cinnamon and sesame oil, can
reduce pain and stiffness in osteoarthritis
patients when applied topically ( 10 ).
5. Ginger May Drastically Lower
Blood Sugars and Improve Heart
Disease Risk Factors
This area of research is relatively new, but
ginger may have powerful anti-diabetic
In a recent 2015 study of 41 participants with
type 2 diabetes, 2 grams of ginger powder per
day lowered fasting blood sugar by 12% ( 11).
It also dramatically improved HbA1c (a marker
for long-term blood sugar levels), leading to a
10% reduction over a period of 12 weeks.
There was also a 28% reduction in the ApoB/
ApoA-I ratio, and a 23% reduction in markers for
oxidized lipoproteins. These are both major risk
factors for heart disease.
This graph shows what happened:
Photo Source: Suppversity .
However, keep in mind that this was just one
small study. The results are incredibly
impressive, but they need to be confirmed in
larger studies before any recommendations can
be made.
6. Ginger Can Help Treat Chronic
Chronic indigestion
( dyspepsia ) is
characterized by recurrent
pain and discomfort in the
upper part of the stomach.
It is believed that delayed emptying of the
stomach is a major driver of indigestion.
Interestingly, ginger has been shown to speed up
emptying of the stomach in people with this
After eating soup, ginger reduced the time it took
for the stomach to empty from 16 to 12 minutes
( 12).
In a study of 24 healthy individuals, 1.2 grams of
ginger powder before a meal accelerated
emptying of the stomach by 50% ( 13 ).
7. Ginger Powder May Significantly
Reduce Menstrual Pain
Menstrual pain ( dysmenorrhea) refers to pain felt
during a woman’s menstrual cycle.
One of the traditional uses of ginger is for pain
relief, including menstrual pain.
In one study, 150 women were instructed to take
1 gram of ginger powder per day, for the first 3
days of the menstrual period ( 14).
Ginger managed to reduce pain as effectively as
the drugs mefenamic acid and ibuprofen.
8. Ginger May Lower Cholesterol
High levels of LDL
lipoproteins (the “bad”
cholesterol) are linked to
an increased risk of heart
The foods you eat can have a strong influence
on LDL levels.
In a 45-day study of 85 individuals with high
cholesterol, 3 grams of ginger powder caused
significant reductions in most cholesterol
markers ( 15).
This is supported by a study in hypothyroid rats,
where ginger extract lowered LDL cholesterol to
a similar extent as the cholesterol-lowering drug
atorvastatin ( 16).
Both studies also showed reductions in total
cholesterol and blood triglycerides.
9. Ginger Contains a Substance That
May Help Prevent Cancer
Cancer is a very serious
disease that is
characterized by
uncontrolled growth of
abnormal cells.
Ginger extract has been
studied as an alternative treatment for several
forms of cancer.
The anti-cancer properties are attributed to 6-
gingerol, a substance that is found in large
amounts in raw ginger ( 17 , 18).
In a study of 30 individuals, 2 grams of ginger
extract per day significantly reduced pro-
inflammatory signalling molecules in the colon
( 19).
However, a follow-up study in individuals at a
high risk of colon cancer did not confirm these
findings ( 20).
There is some, albeit limited, evidence that
ginger may be effective against pancreatic
cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. More
research is needed ( 21, 22, 23 ).
10. Ginger May Improve Brain
Function and Protect Against
Alzheimer’s Disease
Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation can
accelerate the aging process.
They are believed to be among the key drivers of
Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive
Some studies in animals suggest that the
antioxidants and bioactive compounds in ginger
can inhibit inflammatory responses that occur in
the brain ( 24 ).
There is also some evidence that ginger can
enhance brain function directly. In a study of 60
middle-aged women, ginger extract was shown to
improve reaction time and working memory ( 25).
There are also numerous studies in animals
showing that ginger can protect against age-
related decline in brain function ( 26, 27 , 28).
11. The Active Ingredient in Ginger
Can Help Fight Infections
Gingerol, the bioactive
substance in fresh ginger,
can help lower the risk of
In fact, ginger extract can
inhibit the growth of many
different types of bacteria
( 29, 30 ).
It is very effective against the oral bacteria
linked to inflammatory diseases in the gums,
such as gingivitis and periodontitis ( 31).
Fresh ginger may also be effective against the
RSV virus , a common cause of respiratory
infections ( 32).
12. Anything Else?
Ginger is one of the very few “superfoods” that
are actually worthy of that term.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Good health and living

Good health is a blessing. All the
beauties appear attractive to a man so
long he is healthy. For an unhealthy
man there is no charm in this world.
Health is the greatest wealth for a
We all are quite familiar with the
famous lines of Alexander Pope,
“Early to bed and early to rise/ Makes
a man healthy, wealthy and wise/
Health, wealth, fame and power/ these
four are the blessings of life.” Good
health depends on various factors like
personal, social. etc. It requires a
certain amount of discipline to
maintain health.
Nutritious food plays a very important
role. Cleanliness is another major
factor responsible for good health. We
should always take nutritious food. We
should keep fast food at bay. Fast food
is rich in taste but short in nutritive
value. We should always clean our
hands before eating. We should avoid
eating outside. If we have to eat, we
should check for the cleanliness.
Image Source:
Our brilliance and sharpness is closely
linked to good health. It is an old
saying, “Sound mind in a sound
body.” It means that when the body is
healthy, the mind is healthy. A sack
body cannot have healthy mind. The
attitude of such People to life is also
gloomy. They have a negative
approach to it. Nothing seems to
attract them. On the other hand, a
healthy man has a completely changed
outlook. He enjoys each and every
thing. He enjoys the every moment of
his life.
He can work longer hours without
feeling tired and exhausted. A wealthy
man with poor health cannot enjoy his
life. All this wealth is useless for him.
Money can buy all the luxuries and
amenities but cannot buy happiness
and pleasure. He has all the luxuries
available, but can enjoy nothing. He
cannot enjoy good food. He spends his
life under many precautions and
preventions. He cannot enjoy even
sound sleep. But a poor man with
good health lives a better life. He has
all the pleasures. He can eat whatever
he likes. Thus a poor man with good
health has a more enjoying life than a
rich but sick man. It has been rightly
said ‘health is wealth’.
So we should be well aware of our
health. Exercise has a prominent role
to play. We should take exercise daily.
It keeps us fit and healthy. It refreshes
us. Exercise increases our blood
circulation and gives us energy and
strength. All exercises are good for
health. We can choose any of them as
per our suitability. Balancing one’s
hours of sleep and rest also
contributes to good health. We should
guard ourselves against those things
which are injurious to health.
To enjoy good health we should
cultivate good habits and maintain
discipline. Only then we will be able
to enjoy the pleasures of life.
Undoubtedly good health is very
important. It is a blessing indeed.

Valuing your Health

It is said “Health is wealth”. If health
is lost, everything is lost. If health is i’
lost, the capacity to work is lost.
Inability to work leads to poverty and
misery. On the other hand, if we have
health we are able to work and this, in
turn, adds to our wealth. Therefore
good health is one of the basic
foundations on which our lives are
For the common man, health is merely
an absence of sickness and ailments.
This view is narrow and one-sided.
The term ‘health’ is much more
comprehensive. Good health is the
state of all-round physical, social and
mental well being of a person, which
enables him to live and work normally
and to resist the negative impact of his
The merits or the advantages of having
good health can hardly be
exaggerated. Good health is not only
important but is also an essential
ingredient for a happy life. A healthy
person is able to work and live on his
He is not dependent on others. He is
in a better position to relax and to
enjoy the thrill of life. He is able to
enjoy life in its varied forms. On the
other hand, an unhealthy person finds
it difficult to be happy and joyful.
Physical ailments bring in pain,
sorrow, bitterness, mental tension and
sleepless nights. He survives on others
charity. “Bread bought with other’s
sweat is never sweet”.
Image Source:
It is therefore essential that we should
try to acquire good health. Good health
cannot be bought, it can only be,
wrought. Acquisition of good health
calls for certain concrete steps.
According to many doctors and health
specialists three basic factors bring
about good health. They are: (a) clean
environment, (b) good habits and (c)
clean mind.
One of the basic requirements for
good health is to live in a clean and
healthy environment. Unfortunately,
this is becoming almost impossible
today. Our entire environment is
polluted. The water that we drink is
The food that we consume is
contaminated. The air that we breathe
is full of dirt and poisonous elements.
Our cities, towns and rivers have
become dumping grounds of wastes
and breeding grounds of dangerous
microbes. Unless and until this
pollution is prevented our chances of
acquiring good health may remain a
distant dream.
Secondly, good personal habits go a
long way in helping to acquire good
health. Good habits, such as, getting up
early, maintaining personal
cleanliness, temperance in eating,
doing physical exercises, adequate
sleep and rest, etc., are vital elements
which help in the acquisition of good
Thirdly, the importance of clean mind
for the acquisition of good health
cannot be undermined. Mind, to a
great extent, controls the body. Many
doctors say that the mind is so
powerful that it can dispel even the
most incurable ailments of the body, if
it, so desires. Optimistic outlook,
serene mentality, joyful spirit,
laughter, clean thoughts, etc. have
unfathomable impact in bringing
about good health.
I perfectly agree with the maxim
‘health is wealth’. Unfortunately, very
few care about this ‘wealth’. People
spend sleepless days and nights,
running after material wealth
forgetting that the first step to acquire
material wealth is to have good health
6 Reasons for Eating Healthy
By Precious Onuoha
Eating healthy isn’t always easy, but
committing to a healthy diet can be one of
the smartest decisions you ever make. Why?
Not only can eating well make you look and
feel better, it can also save you money on
future health costs.
But even if you intend to “eat healthy,”
knowing exactly what that means can be
challenging. “Following a healthy diet
includes choosing plenty of lean meats, eggs,
vegetables, fruit, whole grain and dairy
products,” says Debra Nessel, a registered
dietitian with Torrance Memorial Medical
Center in Torrance, California.
Eating well also means leaving out or only
rarely consuming foods that are high in
added sugar, saturated fat and sodium. That
includes most fast food, full-calorie sodas,
processed snacks like chips and crackers,
and anything with more milligrams of sodium
than there are calories in a serving.
If you need some help getting motivated,
here are the top reasons to sneak a few
more nutrient-packed foods into your diet.
1. Increase productivity
Like a car, your brain needs quality fuel to
run efficiently. When it comes to your job,
working more efficiently can help you earn
more, since high achievers are usually first in
line for promotions and raises. Nessel says
her clients frequently experience increased
focus shortly after improving their diets.
How much can eating healthy help? One 2012
study published by Population Health
Management found that eating an unhealthy
diet puts you at a 66% increased risk of
productivity loss. Another study in the
Journal of Occupational and Environmental
Medicine found that an unhealthy diet
represented the highest risk for low
productivity out of 19 possible risk factors,
including lack of exercise, chronic pain and
financial instability.
2. Save money on life insurance
Health insurance premiums can no longer be
based on health factors, since everyone is
required to have health coverage. However,
life insurance is elective, and those premiums
are indeed partially based on how healthy you
are .
If you’re shopping for life insurance, you
could be required to hand over your medical
records or be subjected to a health exam so
the life insurance company can assess how
healthy you are. You could face double the
life insurance cost in premiums or be denied
for coverage altogether if you’re obese.
Simply switching to a healthier diet and
dropping a few pounds before you apply for a
policy could significantly lower your costs.
3. Enhance mood
What you eat has an impact on your brain,
including the parts that regulate mood.
Although there’s no single food that acts as a
proven antidepressant, maintaining stable
blood sugar through regular, proper nutrition
will help you feel better overall on most days.
Foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as
fruits, whole grains and vegetables, have
been associated with an overall lower risk of
depression, as have foods rich in omega-3
fats, such as nuts, salmon and other fatty
True happiness isn’t just about the absence
of depression; it also includes general well-
being. “I frequently hear clients rave about
their increased energy, more stable moods,
better sleep, decreased joint pain” and
greater ability to focus their thoughts
after switching to a healthier eating pattern,
Nessel says.
Eating healthy can reduce stress too. When
your body is in a chronic state of stress, it
breaks down protein to prepare for battle, but
certain foods have the ability to moderate
the body’s level of cortisol, the stress
hormone. Some studies have found that
consuming foods with omega-3 fatty acids
and magnesium may help reduce cortisol
levels. Eating a protein-rich diet, including
fish and dairy, can help replenish protein
stores and keep cortisol levels low.
4. Regulate weight
Most people know this one, but it still
deserves a place on this list since more than
half of Americans are overweight or obese,
and obesity contributes to nearly 1 in 5
American deaths. Even if it’s only by 5-10%,
reducing your body weight can lower blood
pressure, improve cholesterol levels and
decrease the risk of Type 2 diabetes,
according to the Obesity Action Coalition .
Simple healthy choices such as replacing
soda with water, choosing veggies instead of
chips, and ordering a side salad in place of
fries not only will help you lose weight, it also
can help you save money. The average obese
person spends $2,741 more on health care
per year than a normal-weight counterpart,
according to a 2012 study in the Journal of
Health Economics that looked at data from
5. Be healthier
Not everybody who is thin is healthy, and not
everyone who is overweight is unhealthy, but
eating right can improve health for even thin
people who are junk food junkies. You can
think of junk food as anything that’s high in
calories and low in micronutrients like
vitamins and minerals. This includes potato
chips, greasy foods like french fries, and
If you miss out on too much of the vitamins
and minerals that your body needs, you could
put yourself at risk for early death. A 2014
study published in the British Medical Journal
found that eating at least five servings of
fruit and vegetables per day was associated
with lower risk of dying from any health-
related cause.
6. Live longer
The same diseases that make you feel bad
and cost a lot of money may also lower your
life expectancy. A diet of fruit and
vegetables, in combination with exercise, was
associated with extended life expectancy for
women in their 70s, according to a study in
the Journal of the American Geriatrics
Other studies have shown similar
associations between a long life and calorie
restriction or consumption of a Mediterranean
diet, which includes lots of fruits, vegetables,
and omega-3 fats from fish and olive oil. No
matter how you cut it, a healthy diet can play
an important role in how long you’ll live.
Tips for eating healthy
If switching to a healthy diet were easy,
everyone would do it. So what should you do
if you’re having a hard time choosing the
right foods and sticking to a healthful eating
“Small changes over time result in big
payoffs,” Nessel says. That means setting
small, attainable goals each day that will
translate into long-term results. Here are
some of her tips:
Stay hydrated. This will help you reduce
cravings and feel fuller.
Don’t skip meals. Eat at about the same
time each day, if you can.
Get active. Just increasing activity a little
bit may create a mindset to eat better
Preplan around cravings. If you always get
hungry for salt at 3 p.m. or sugar after
dinner, have a healthier alternative ready
to go.
Forgive yourself when you slip up. Beating
yourself up after a slip-up tends to unravel
all of your goals; picking back up as
though you didn’t make a misstep is a
better option.
Keep in mind that good choices, like eating a
healthy diet, happen one at a time. A few
small changes in the right direction can help
improve your life now, and they may fatten
your wallet too.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Body value

One of my goal is to
encourage women to be proud of
their bodies, regardless of how they
are built or how much “extra” weight
they carry. I think that, too often, we
actually disempower women by
telling them to love their overweight
bodies or accept the “fact” that they
will never be thin.
All women SHOULD love their bodies,
but it’s unwise to love your body at
the expense of your health.
I personally became victim to this in
my early adulthood. When I was
eighteen, I weight 180 pounds at 5’6″.
While this is not morbidly
overweight, it was far too much for
my own build. I was tired a lot, I
couldn’t bike or walk very far, and I
ate constantly.
Several of my well-meaning friends
had tried to encourage me to love my
body by urging me to accept the idea
that I was built to be large. They told
me that I was a naturally curvy,
beautiful woman, and I believed
them. I was beautiful, and I didn’t
owe anyone any apologies for my
weight– but I was continuing to harm
my health by accepting the notion
that a normal weight was out of my
One day, I simply decided that I’d
had enough of being overweight. I
didn’t do it for anyone else. I didn’t
do it because I loved my body–
enough to make a dedication go
getting healthier.
So I went vegetarian. I worked out
for half an hour a day. I cut out all
processed foods. I quit smoking pot,
which gives me a terrible case of the
munchies. I was down to 125 pounds
within two years and I’ve maintained
that weight for three years.
I now look and feel healthier than
ever. At my last physical exam, I got
a full blood workup, and my doctor
said that she rarely sees anyone in as
good of health as me. My blood
pressure, cholesterol, heart rate and
iron levels are perfect.
I’m not going to say that losing
weight was easy (it wasn’t). But I will
say that it became significantly easier
when I realized that I was hurting
my body and my self-esteem by
trying to “accept” my overweight
body. I learned to value my health
more than my appearance, and I
viewed weight-loss as a PERSONAL
goal, rather than any endeavor I was
seeking to please our misogynistic
society. I couldn’t continue to
“accept” my weight at the expense
To any woman who is overweight
and reading this message– LOVE your
body with everything you’ve got.
Don’t try to lose weight because your
lover, or your parents, or the media
tells you to lose weight. Don’t fall into
fad diets or fasts or pills. Instead,
pursue a healthy lifestyle because you
care about your health. If you do so,
you WILL be healthier– even if your
BMI stays the same.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Do you know That your body image is how you define it

The effects of body image on
self-esteem can be especially
powerful during the teenage
years. Although it’s perfectly
normal to have negative
thoughts and feelings towards
yourself once in a while,
finding ways to be positive is the key to building
a healthy body image and positive self-esteem.
What is body image?
Body image is based on your thoughts and
feelings about the way your body looks.
Sometimes the way you think other people are
judging your appearance can affect your body
image. Poor body image comes from negative
thoughts and feelings about your appearance,
and a healthy body image is made up of
thoughts and feelings that are positive. Body
image is a major factor in self-esteem; which is
the way you think and feel about yourself as a
What is self-esteem?
Self-esteem relates to how much you like
yourself, and how you recognize or appreciate
your individual character, qualities, skills, and
accomplishments. Like body image, self-esteem
can also be based on how you think other people
look at you as a person. People who have low
self-esteem may not always feel confident about
themselves or how they look. It is often hard for
them to see that they are an important and
capable person. People with good self-esteem
often have a positive and confident attitude
about their body and mind, and can recognize
their strengths as well as personal value and
Why is good self-esteem important?
Good self-esteem is important for everyone
because it helps you keep a positive outlook on
life and makes you feel proud of the person you
are, both inside and out. Most teens with good
self-esteem find life much more enjoyable. They
tend to have better relationships with peers and
adults, find it easier to deal with mistakes or
disappointments, and are more likely to stick
with a task until they succeed.
Good self-esteem gives you the:
Treating yourself with respect and realizing that
every part of you is worth caring for and
protecting will help you keep a healthy attitude
towards yourself. Building good self-esteem can
take a long time and is not always easy, but
knowing that you can improve your self-esteem
is the first step.
Is there anything I can do if my self-esteem is
Yes! If you feel frustrated or too annoyed or
upset to talk, try going for a walk or a run, listen
to music, or do a favorite activity with someone
you enjoy being with. Sometimes expressing how
you feel can actually be more helpful than
keeping feelings to yourself. Talk with a close
friend or relative who you trust and who can
offer encouragement and support. It can also be
comforting to talk with other teens that may be
going through similar experiences. Remember,
everyone has felt badly about themselves at
some point in time!
If you’re feeling very sad and discouraged most
of the time, and can’t seem to find ways to feel
better about yourself, it’s important to contact
your health care provider or counselor. They can
help you to find ways to cope.
What can I do to build self-confidence in the way
I look?
There are many ways to help boost self-
confidence such as finding a flattering outfit to
wear, getting a new hairstyle, or simply eating
nutritious foods and exercising. One of the best
ways to feel good about your body is to work on
having a healthy one! You may not always have
control over your appearance, but you do have
the power to keep a positive attitude towards
What are some ways to keep a positive attitude?
A positive attitude can come by defining an
identity for yourself that is not based on looks or
negative things other people may say.
You can develop good self-esteem and keep a
positive attitude by:
Building a healthy body image and good self-
esteem can be hard work because it takes time
to become confident. As you work to improve
your body image, you will experience self-
acceptance and learn to recognize the qualities,
skills, and talents that make you special.
Key Facts +
Courage to try new things
Power to believe in yourself
Confidence to make healthy choices for your
mind and body now and throughout your life

Positive attitude affect you

What are some ways to keep a positive attitude?
A positive attitude can come by defining an
identity for yourself that is not based on looks or
negative things other people may say.
You can develop good self-esteem and keep a
positive attitude by:
Building a healthy body image and good self-
esteem can be hard work because it takes time
to become confident. As you work to improve
your body image, you will experience self-
acceptance and learn to recognize the qualities,
skills, and talents that make you special.
Key Facts +
Courage to try new things
Power to believe in yourself
Confidence to make healthy choices for your
mind and body now and throughout your life
Focusing on the good things you do and
spending time concentrating on your unique
Focusing on your education: Learning gives you
the power to make a difference in your life and
in the lives of others.
Participating in a variety of sports or activities :
This can be a great way to stay healthy and fit,
which adds to a positive body image.
Taking up a new hobby or learning to play an
instrument : Have you ever wanted to play the
guitar? Maybe you want to learn how to play
chess. Take time to find your hidden talents!
Setting and reaching new goals: Having
something to look forward to can give you a
sense of pride and help you work through
different challenges throughout your life.
Being an inspiration to others : If you thought of
your own ways to cope with social situations
and find confidence, you may find it rewarding
to share advice and offer encouragement to

How you value yourself matters

I was talking with a friend this
weekend who is suffering from low
After hearing the way this lovely
young woman was talking about
herself, so blind to her own beauty,
intelligence, and talents, I blurted out,
“You must begin to love yourself. You
have so much to offer.”
She looked at me with defeated eyes
and said, “How do I just love myself?
What does that mean?”
When your self-esteem is low, the
concept of loving yourself is
completely foreign. You see yourself as
lacking and unworthy and feel there’s
nothing to love. In fact, there seems to
be far more reason to loathe yourself
than love yourself.
Low self-esteem is a self-fulfilling
prophecy. The worse you feel about
yourself, the less energy and
motivation you have to do what it
takes to build your self-esteem around.
Your self-esteem continues to plummet
as your brain locks in on negative and
circular thinking, further entrenching
you in beliefs that have little or no
basis in reality.
Self-esteem improves by changing both
your thoughts and behaviors. You must
practice new thoughts and behaviors
until you begin to turn the tide of your
feelings about yourself. And you must
continue practicing them to maintain
a healthy love for yourself.
Here are 50 actions
for how to
improve your self-
1. Become proficient at
When you practice and become skilled
at something you enjoy, your
increasing competency and the
discipline of practice will be a source
of pride and fulfillment for you.
2. Reclaim your integrity
If you are living outside of your
integrity, you will feel disoriented,
guilty, and drained. Define what
integrity means for you, and make the
necessary changes to live in
accordance with it.
3. Exercise
Exercise makes you feel better
physically, mentally, and emotionally.
It provides a sense of control over
your health and vitality.
4. Volunteer
When we serve and support other
people, we feel uplifted and valued.
We have found a way to show
empathy and connection through
5. Take care of a pet
Pets offer unconditional love and
fulfill our longing for attention and
affection. Pets teach us compassion
and responsibility, taking the focus off
of our own problems.
6. Care about your
When you look your best, you feel
better. You project an outward image
of self-esteem and confidence — even
if you don’t feel that way. But when
you act “as if” you have self-esteem,
eventually your feelings will catch up.
7. Do something creative
Creative endeavors put you in the
“flow” state in which you are intently
engaged in what you are doing. It
stimulates the brain and potentially
leads you to a passion or avocation.
8. Heal past wounds
Past issues and traumas can keep you
trapped in low self-esteem. Seek the
support of a trained counselor to help
you heal the wounds of the past.
9. Plan something exciting
Plan for a trip or adventure so that
you have something exciting to look
forward to. Just the planning process
with make you feel engaged and
10. Have a change of scenery
Actually going on a trip, working from
another location, or spending time out
of your house will give you a boost of
energy and motivation.
11. Spend time with a friend
Good friends accept us as we are, love
us for who we are, and provide an
outlet for fun and companionship. Our
best friends are a reflection of the
good in ourselves.
12. Get clear on your values
Determine your core values in life, the
principles around which you want
your life centered. Examine your life
to see where you are not in alignment
with the values and make the
necessary changes to fix that.
13. Write down your
Think back through your life to all that
you’ve accomplished as a youth and
adult. List everything you have done
that you feel proud of.
14. Read something
Read books and articles that uplift you
and make you feel positive. Stay away
from negative television programs,
web sites, advertising or anything that
reinforces a poor self-image.
15. Stretch yourself
Step outside of your comfort zone in
some way. Stretch yourself to try
something new, meet different people,
or approach a situation in an
unconventional way.
16. Take care of your
Focus your love, time, and attention
on the people you care about most.
Nurture your relationships and find
ways to communicate fully and enjoy
a richer experience with your loved
17. Teach someone
You have skills and abilities to share
with others. Teach someone who is
interested in learning. Offer your
knowledge and experience as a gift.
18. Practice affirmations
Keep an affirmation journal in which
you write positive, loving statements
about yourself. Repeat those
affirmations daily when you awaken
and before you go to sleep.
19. Challenge limiting beliefs
When you catch yourself thinking
negatively about your self-worth,
challenge the beliefs with evidence to
the contrary. Find reasons why your
limiting beliefs are untrue — or at
least not completely true.
20. Seek your life passion
If you have not found your life
passion, make time in your life to seek
it out. The process of having a goal to
find it will give your life a sense of
21. Give and receive affection
Offer and receive physical affection
from family and friends. Physical
touch supports bonding between
people, reduces anxiety, improves your
mood, and creates connections.
22. Increase your standards
Begin to demand more of yourself in
various areas of your life. Challenge
yourself to do a bit better, go a bit
farther, behave more lovingly than you
have in the past. Set the bar higher,
and you will feel proud of who you
23. Have a purpose
Start considering what your life
purpose might be. Why are you here?
What could be your legacy and how
can you make that a centerpiece of
your life?
24. Live in the right place
Are you living in a community or city
that makes you feel comfortable and at
home? Or are you living somewhere
that doesn’t reflect your values and
ideal lifestyle?
25. Let go of draining people
If there are people in your life who put
you down, drain you of energy, or take
advantage of you, begin to gently let
them slip from your life. Surround
yourself with loving and supportive
people who value you.
26. Network
Expand your network of friends and
associates to broaden your horizons
and create new life and career
27. Ask for forgiveness
If you have wronged someone, don’t
live with guilt or shame. Apologize,
make it right, and ask for forgiveness.
28. Pay off your debts
Living with debt can drain your self-
esteem and cause on-going anxiety.
Pay off your debts and begin to live
within your means.
29. Don’t smoke, drink too
much, or use recreational
All of these excesses are unhealthy,
make you feel bad physically and make
you feel undisciplined and dependent
on substances to soothe your emotions.
30. Create personal
Know what your personal boundaries
are and how you will react when
people cross them. Don’t allow others
to take advantage of you or
manipulate you.
31. Be a mentor
Be there for someone who needs
support, leadership, and guidance.
Their respect will add to your self-
32. Slow down and simplify
An over-scheduled and complicated
life will lead to stress and overwhelm.
You have no time to make positive
changes in your life that help
build self-esteem. Begin to clear things
off your to-do list and simplify all
areas of your life.
33. Detach from the opinion
of others
When you worry about what others
will think of you, you never feel free to
be yourself completely. Begin making
choices and decisions based on what
you want, not what you think others
want for you.
34. Stop gossiping
Gossip may be momentarily powerful
and thrilling, but it leaves you with a
residue of distaste for yourself. Make a
point to stop gossiping.
35. Be an initiator
Don’t wait for others to make the
plans, call the shops, or come up with
the ideas. Be the initiator, the first
responder, the one who takes charge.
Practice this even if it feels
uncomfortable at first.
36. Learn to manage anger
Anger is often a response to feelings of
low self-worth and despair. Find
appropriate outlets for your feelings.
Express them to a supportive person
before they turn to anger.
37. Embrace failure as part
of growth
Shift your thinking about perceived
failures. See them as a necessary part
of growth and learning. Failures are
evidence of effort, and you always
learn something from them.
38. Stop over-thinking
Jump off the gerbil wheel of repetitive
thoughts that percolate constantly in
your brain. Instead, take some kind of
positive action that is distracting and
39. Eliminate time-wasting
Find productive, creative, life-
affirming ways to spend your time,
rather than watching endless hours of
TV, surfing the net, or playing video
40. Be willing to ask for help
Asking for help and support isn’t a
sign of weakness. It’s a sign of
determination and courage. Asking for
help means you are ready for positive
41. Be honest with yourself
and others
If you are living a lie, telling yourself
or others stories about who you are
and how you feel, you are entrapping
yourself in unhappiness. You must be
authentic and accepting to open your
heart to self-love.
42. Stay focused on the
present moment
It is the only reality. When the past
and the future feel painful, focus on
the task at hand and do it with your
full engagement.
43. Practice gratitude
Every day, write down encouraging
words and all that you feel grateful for,
all of your blessings, all of the people
whose lives have touched you in a
positive way.
44. Shift from an inferiority
mentality to an equality
Stop comparing yourself to others and
measuring your worth against what
they might have and you don’t. View
everyone you encounter as your equal
and your potential friend, regardless
of their station in life, appearance, or
45. Keep learning
View yourself as a life-long learner
and approach all things with a
beginner’s mentality — open, eager,
and willing to learn.
46. Re-frame fear
Begin to shift the feelings of fear to
energy for change. When you feel fear,
use this powerful emotion to take
action on something positive and
47. Redefine success
What is success for you? Is it wealth,
power, or possessions? Begin to view
success in terms of fulfilling
experiences, loving relationships, and
meaningful work.
48. Set small goals
Every day, set one or two small goals
for yourself that are non-negotiable. At
the end of a year, you will have
achieved more than you ever expected.
49. Study personal evolution
Become a forever student of personal
growth and self-improvement. Read,
listen, study, and learn about how to
live with emotional intelligence and
maturity. See personal evolution as a
life-long journey.
50. Give away love
Never hesitate to show your love, even
if you’ve been hurt by love in the past.
The move love you give away, the
more it comes back to you. Start with
yourself. Begin to love yourself the
way you would love your best friend
or sibling.
Self-esteem often takes practice and
commitment. You must value the
importance of feeling good about
yourself, having self-worth and being
comfortable with who you are. The
alternative is staying stuck in
depression, unhappiness, and negative
Begin to practice self-esteem fostering
thoughts and behaviors. Start acting as
though you believe in yourself and
love who you are even if your feelings
haven’t caught up. Give yourself
legitimate reasons to feel proud,
accomplished, and worthwhile through
learning, personal growth, goal-setting
and achievement.
Once you accept the unique perfection
of who you are and what you offer the
world, you will find that you are more
deserving than anyone of your own

love and affection.

You want to know what exercise do for you?

 Lets see:

No. 1: Exercise controls weight
Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or
help maintain weight loss. When you engage in
physical activity, you burn calories. The more
intense the activity, the more calories you burn.
You don't need to set aside large chunks of
time for exercise to reap weight-loss benefits. If
you can't do an actual workout, get more active
throughout the day in simple ways — by taking
the stairs instead of the elevator or revving up
your household chores.
No. 2: Exercise combats health conditions
and diseases
Worried about heart disease? Hoping to prevent
high blood pressure? No matter what your
current weight, being active boosts high-density
lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol and
decreases unhealthy triglycerides. This one-two
punch keeps your blood flowing smoothly, which
decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases.
In fact, regular physical activity can help you
prevent or manage a wide range of health
problems and concerns, including stroke,
metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes,
depression, certain types of cancer, arthritis and
No. 3: Exercise improves mood
Need an emotional lift? Or need to blow off
some steam after a stressful day? A workout at
the gym or a brisk 30-minute walk can help.
Physical activity stimulates various brain
chemicals that may leave you feeling happier
and more relaxed. You may also feel better
about your appearance and yourself when you
exercise regularly, which can boost your
confidence and improve your self-esteem.
No. 4: Exercise boosts energy
Winded by grocery shopping or household
chores? Regular physical activity can improve
your muscle strength and boost your endurance.
Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen
and nutrients to your tissues and help your
cardiovascular system work more efficiently.
And when your heart and lungs work more
efficiently, you have more energy to go about
your daily chores.

Your diet your you

Food, Diet and Nutrition
The phrase ‘ you are what you eat’ has
become a bit of a cliché over recent years,
but it still has a basis in fact.
Most of us know that modern diets can contain
too many processed foods that are high in fats,
sugar and salt and that we should eat more
fresh fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy
balanced diet.
Obesity, high cholesterol levels, high blood
pressure and Type II diabetes are all common
problems in modern life and often a direct result
of poor diets.
But what counts as a healthy diet?
Our pages on diet and nutrition explain what your
body needs and why. They also show how some
simple changes to your diet can make big
differences to your life, including increasing your
energy levels, lifting your spirit and, perhaps,
reducing the likelihood of becoming ill.
Many scientists now argue that portion control is
one of the most important aspects of healthy
Protein is an essential part of our diets; it is the
building block for all cells in our bodies, organs,
bones, muscles and blood. Learn about the
different types of protein-rich food sources and
how your body uses these to keep you healthy.
(See: What is Protein? ).
Fat is an essential part of our diet – we can’t
live without it, and it is by far the most efficient
form of energy. Learn about fat and the types of
food that contain it. (See: What is Fat? and BMI
- Body Mass Index ).
Unlike protein and fat, carbohydrates (commonly
abbreviated to carbs) are not essential to our
diets. Most of us probably consume too many
carbohydrates. Learn about the types of foods
high in different types of carbohydrate and how
carbohydrate intake affects our metabolism.
Learn what the glycaemic index can tell us about
foods rich in carbohydrates. (See: What are
Carbohydrates? , What is Sugar? and Sugar and
Diet ).
High fibre foods help us to maintain a healthy
digestive system and metabolism. They help your
body to run more efficiently. We also look at
why a high fibre diet can help you lose weight
and be good for your heart. (See: What is
Fibre? ).
Vitamins are, by definition, essential to our
health, and there are 13 that we need to keep
our bodies healthy. Our page on this subject
highlights foods high in vitamins that you may
wish to increase in your diet. (See: Vitamins).
Finally, learn about the most important nutritional
minerals, what the body uses them for and which
foods contain them. (See: Minerals as
Most people are aware of advice that we
should take regular exercise.
But what does that mean and why is it
Recommendations vary from 20 minutes of
medium-intensity exercise (enough to raise your
heart rate) per day, up to three longer sessions
of high-intensity activity per week.
Many people, perhaps unsurprisingly, conclude
that they just don’t have time to work out what
they should do.
Our page on The Importance of Exercise
explains more about why you should exercise
The common sense solution is that any exercise
is better than none.
Although the recommendations for the amount
and intensity of exercise may change, nobody
has yet concluded that exercise is bad for you!
However, very intense exercise over long periods
may have some detrimental effect.
Even if you can’t do as much as exercise as is
recommended, even taking a small amount of
exercise will do you good.
It is, however, important to ease yourself gently
into any exercise programme, especially if it’s
been a while since you’ve exerted yourself to do
anything beyond lift the TV remote control, or
walk to the car.even 

How important is your body to you?

You only get one body in this life, so you
need to look after it.
Advice about caring for your body is
conflicting and often confusing, hence it’s
sometimes hard to know what’s best.
Many people abandon any effort to take
care of themselves because it’s just too
But the application of a little science, and quite
a lot more common sense, can go a long way to
helping you to work out what’s best for you and
your body.
This page explains three aspects of caring for
your body: rest and sleep; food, diet and
nutrition; and exercise, it provides a framework
for thinking about doing the right thing by your
A Framework for Thinking
In any aspect of caring for yourself, there
are three questions to ask:
1. What do I want to do?
2. What is best for me?
3. What am I going to do?
The first aspect relates to your emotions: it is
about how you feel , and what you want to do,
whether about what you eat, when you go to
sleep, or how much exercise you take.
The second applies reason to the situation, and
asks what you think .
Finally, you need to balance those two aspects,
and make a decision about what you actually do
in any given situation.
There will be many times when what you want to
do coincides perfectly with what you know you
should do.
You may want to go out for a bike ride because
the sun is shining, or go to bed early because
you are tired.
At other times, you will find that you are very
tempted to do something that you know you
would be better avoiding.
You may want to eat another slice of chocolate
cake, for example, or not take exercise because
you are busy.
It is important to remember that you don’t
always have to do the right thing.
Every now and then, it will be fine to follow your
instincts and eat chocolate, or laze around in
bed all day. But if you do that too often, there
will be consequences. For example, if you
overeat and do not take enough exercise, you
are likely to end up overweight, which can lead
to the development of various chronic diseases
including diabetes.
By all means give yourself a break from time to
time, but don’t let bad behaviour become a habit

because habits are hard to break.

Do you feel old and unhealthy? Lets work together to live healthy and younger

If you want to look and feel younger, you're
certainly not alone. You can take some simple
steps to look younger. However, the best
antidote for age is to maintain a healthy
lifestyle, eat right, and keep your brain active.
Method One of Four:
Looking Younger
Take a moment to smile. Simply
looking like you are enjoying life can
make you look younger. Frowning can make
you look older, while not smiling makes you
look the age you are. To seem younger, put
a smile on your face. [1]
Volumize your hair. Your hair can thin
out over time, whether you're a man or
a woman. One way to look younger is to
use a volumizing product to make your hair
look thicker. [2]
One way to add volume is to use a
mousse while your hair is still damp.
Then blow out your hair while using a
round brush to lift sections. If you
point your blow dryer directly at your
roots, you can get even more volume.
Pick a matching color for your hair.
Dying your hair obviously covers gray
hair, which can make you look younger;
however, if you pick a color that is close to
your skin tone, it can help hide your thinning
hair, as your scalp peeking through isn't so
obvious. [4]
Touch up your dye job regularly to
prevent roots from showing.
Keep your skin moisturized.
Moisturized skin looks younger and
healthier overall; dry skin can make you
look older. One way to help moisturize your
skin is to cut down your shower time and
stick to warm water instead of hot water. [5]
Also, look for soaps or cleansers that
have moisturizers in them to help keep
your skin hydrated. When you get out
of the shower, apply a lotion or cream
to help seal water next to your skin,
providing moisture. [6]
Apply moisturizer whenever your face
looks dry. Use a non-oily moisturizer
so that it won’t clog your pores and
cause pimples.
A humidifier in your home can also
help your skin, as can drinking enough
water. [7]
Keep the skin on your face skin
smooth. Use simple care techniques to
prevent pimples and help keep your skin
young. [8] For instance, always remove your
makeup and wash your face before bed.
Not washing your face can lead to your
pores clogging. [9]
Method Two of Four:
Retaining your Youth with a Healthy Lifestyle
Keep your body fit by exercising.
Exercise gives you energy and keeps
you active. In addition, it can help you
maintain a youthful figure. [10] It also tones
your muscles and improves your balance
and coordination, and it releases endorphins
to lift your mood.
For the best results, do both aerobic
exercise to trim down and strength
training to acquire shapely muscles.
Try to jog, walk, swim, or do other
physical (aerobic) activities for 150 to
75 minutes per week; focus on the low
end of that if you exercise more
vigorously and on the high end if you
exercise less vigorously. Aim for two
strength-training sessions, such as
weight lifting, a week. [11]
It may seem like a lot, but 150
minutes a week is really only 30
minutes five days a week. You can
break up those 30 minutes into 10-
minute intervals, which makes it even
easier to stay active.
Drink only in moderation . Drinking too
much can give you serious health
problems that will make you look and feel
old. Excessive drinking can cause cancers
of the digestive tract, heart problems,
strokes, high blood pressure, and liver
disease. [12]
If you do drink, you shouldn't drink
more than one drink per day as a
woman or a man over 65. Men under
65 can drink up two drinks per day. [13]
Preserve your health by not smoking .
Smoking will age your skin, reduce
your stamina, and give you serious health
problems. Smoking can cause a number of
diseases and make you look older. [14]
Smoking can contribute or cause lung
diseases, heart attacks, strokes,
diabetes, eye disorders like cataracts,
respiratory infections, gum diseases,
and various cancers (from cancer of
the esophagus to cancer of the mouth,
lungs, bladder, throat, or kidneys). [15]
Even if you’ve smoked for many years,
quitting will still improve your health,
let your body heal, and make you look
and feel younger.
Protect your skin with sunscreen.
Tanning, whether from natural sunlight
or from a tanning bed, exposes you to
ultraviolet radiation which damages your
skin. [16]
Avoid wrinkles, sun damage, and skin
cancer by using sunscreen when you
are exposed to strong sunlight.
Spray tans have chemicals that
shouldn’t be inhaled[17] and tanning
pills have chemicals that can turn
cause hives, liver damage, and vision
problems. [18] If you get a spray tan,
make sure you hold your breath and
close your eyes, and make sure the
facility is well-ventilated. You can also
try using a self-tanning lotion, which is
generally considered safe. [19]
Stay hydrated. Hydration keeps your
skin hydrated and helps you stay
healthy. It helps flush toxins from your
body, helping you look and feel younger. [20]
Adults should consume about 16 cups
(4 quarts) of fluids thought the day —
this includes water from foods, water,
and other beverages, like milk, juice,
and even coffee. [21]
Method Three of Four:
Eating Well to Look and Feel Good
Keep your body resilient by eating
enough protein. Your body needs
protein to heal and regenerate damaged or
old tissues. [22] Two to three servings of
protein rich foods per day should be plenty
for the average adult.
1 ounce of meat counts as equivalent
to one ounce of protein, but so does a
single egg, 1/4 cup of cooked beans,
and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. [23]
From age 19 to 30, women should eat
5 1/2 ounce-equivalents of protein per
day, while women over age 30 should
eat 5 ounce- equivalents of protein per
day. Men age 19 to 30 should
consume 6 1/2 ounce-equivalents of
protein per day; from 31 to 50, men
should eat 6 ounce-equivalents, and
over 50, you should eat 5 1/2 ounce-
equivalents of protein per day. [24]
Give yourself the energy to lead an
active lifestyle. Carbohydrates provide
energy for you to get out and move. You
should be getting about half of your calories
from carbohydrates. [25]
Try to choose unprocessed, whole
grains over processed carbohydrates.
For instance, eat whole-grain pasta,
whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, fruits,
and vegetables over foods such as
white bread, soda, fruit juice, or
desserts. Whole grains have more fiber
and keep you fuller for longer, as it
takes your body longer to process. [26]
Keep your youth by eating lots of
fresh fruit and vegetables. A healthy
diet with fruits and vegetables will provide
you with the nutrients you need for an
active, on-the-go lifestyle. [27] Try to eat
the rainbow, meaning you should vary the
color of your fruits and vegetables, as they
all have different nutrients. For instance,
greens are high in vitamin K, which can
help reduce bruising, while red vegetables,
such as tomatoes, are high in lycopene,
which can help protect your skin from the
sun. [28]
On a 2,000 calorie diet, you should eat
2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of
vegetables a day. [29]
Fruits and vegetables are low in
calories and fat, but high in fiber and
vitamins. This healthy eating pattern
will reduce your risk for getting cancer,
heart problems, high blood pressure,
strokes, and diabetes.
Slow down on fat. As you get older,
your metabolism slows down and you
want to be careful not to gain too much
weight. You should keep your daily intake of
fat under 65 grams. [30]
Try to pick healthy fats over unhealthy
fats. Unhealthy fats include saturated
fats (mainly in fatty beef, chicken with
the skin still on, and full-fat dairy) [31]
and trans fats (mainly in hydrogenated
oils and processed foods). [32]
Healthier fats include
monounsaturated fats (in olive oil,
sesame oil, peanut oil, peanut butter,
and avocado, to name a few), [33]
polyunsaturated fats (in many plant-
based oils), and omega-3 fatty acids
(mainly in fish). [34]
Eating too much fat increases your
chances of high cholesterol, heart
problems, and strokes. You can reduce
your fat consumption by eating lean
meats, poultry, fish, and choosing low-
fat dairy products. [35]
Maintain a low-salt diet. Reducing salt
will help you avoid high blood pressure
and reduce your chances of heart, liver and
kidney conditions. While you need some salt
to stay healthy, too much is not good. [36]
Adults should consume no more than
about a teaspoon of salt per day,
which is about 2,300 milligrams of salt
per day. If you have a health condition,
such as high blood pressure, you need
to keep your intake under 1,500
milligrams per day. [37]
Read labels, as many products have
more salt than you would think. Often,
processed foods, such as canned
vegetables, lunch meats, frozen foods,
and pickles, are high in salt.
Method Four of Four:
Keeping Your Brain Sharp and Active
Stay mentally resilient by getting
enough sleep. Sleep deprivation will
make you feel foggy, out of it, and irritable.
[38] Therefore, getting enough sleep will
help you feel younger. Also, not getting
enough sleep can leave you looking
dragged-down, so getting your rest will also
help you look younger.
You should try to get seven to nine
hours of sleep every night. [39]
Dedicate time to relax and recharge.
Use a relaxation technique to help you
take a mental break from the world around
you and reduce the physical toll that stress
takes on the body. [40] For instance, you
could try deep breathing , yoga , meditation,
art or music therapy, or tai chi.
One way to relax through breathing is
to try the 4-7-8 method. That is,
breathe in for four counts. Hold your
breath for seven counts, and then
blow out for eight counts. Focus on
your breathing as you repeat it over
and over until you relax. Make sure to
breathe in through your nose and out
through your mouth. [41]
Take up new hobbies . New hobbies
will challenge your mind, keeping you
engaged in the world. In addition, you may
meet people through your hobbies. [42]
Keeping yourself interested in the
world will keep you happier, and as
was noted, happier people look
You can try anything from cooking to
woodworking to volunteering at your
local soup kitchen. You could even try
a sport. [43] Try your local parks and
rec department for opportunities
available in your area.
Stay connected to loved ones. Friends
and family will provide you with
support, distraction, advice, and help when
you need it. [44] Staying involved with
friends and family will be a source of
emotional fulfillment and keep you happier
and engaged.
Try using social media to stay in touch
with friends and family who are far
If you are not close with your family or
don't have family but would like to talk
to someone, try calling a Warm Line,
which is a peer-run non-crisis hotline.
[45] You don't need to be in crisis to
call — anyone who wants to talk is
welcome to call this toll-free service.
You can meed people by going to
religious services, meetups, classes,
and community events.
Drink your coffee. Some studies have
shown that drinking coffee can reduce
your risk of developing dementia. So goand Feel Better
If you want to look and feel younger, you're
certainly not alone. You can take some simple
steps to look younger. However, the best
antidote for age is to maintain a healthy
lifestyle, eat right, and keep your brain active.
Method One of Four:
Looking Younger
Take a moment to smile. Simply
looking like you are enjoying life can
make you look younger. Frowning can make
you look older, while not smiling makes you
look the age you are. To seem younger, put
a smile on your face. [1]
Volumize your hair. Your hair can thin
out over time, whether you're a man or
a woman. One way to look younger is to
use a volumizing product to make your hair
look thicker. [2]
One way to add volume is to use a
mousse while your hair is still damp.
Then blow out your hair while using a
round brush to lift sections. If you
point your blow dryer directly at your
roots, you can get even more volume.
Pick a matching color for your hair.
Dying your hair obviously covers gray
hair, which can make you look younger;
however, if you pick a color that is close to
your skin tone, it can help hide your thinning
hair, as your scalp peeking through isn't so
obvious. [4]
Touch up your dye job regularly to
prevent roots from showing.
Keep your skin moisturized.
Moisturized skin looks younger and
healthier overall; dry skin can make you
look older. One way to help moisturize your
skin is to cut down your shower time and
stick to warm water instead of hot water. [5]
Also, look for soaps or cleansers that
have moisturizers in them to help keep
your skin hydrated. When you get out
of the shower, apply a lotion or cream
to help seal water next to your skin,
providing moisture. [6]
Apply moisturizer whenever your face
looks dry. Use a non-oily moisturizer
so that it won’t clog your pores and
cause pimples.
A humidifier in your home can also
help your skin, as can drinking enough
water. [7]
Keep the skin on your face skin
smooth. Use simple care techniques to
prevent pimples and help keep your skin
young. [8] For instance, always remove your
makeup and wash your face before bed.
Not washing your face can lead to your
pores clogging. [9]
Method Two of Four:
Retaining your Youth with a Healthy Lifestyle
Keep your body fit by exercising.
Exercise gives you energy and keeps
you active. In addition, it can help you
maintain a youthful figure. [10] It also tones
your muscles and improves your balance
and coordination, and it releases endorphins
to lift your mood.
For the best results, do both aerobic
exercise to trim down and strength
training to acquire shapely muscles.
Try to jog, walk, swim, or do other
physical (aerobic) activities for 150 to
75 minutes per week; focus on the low
end of that if you exercise more
vigorously and on the high end if you
exercise less vigorously. Aim for two
strength-training sessions, such as
weight lifting, a week. [11]
It may seem like a lot, but 150
minutes a week is really only 30
minutes five days a week. You can
break up those 30 minutes into 10-
minute intervals, which makes it even
easier to stay active.
Drink only in moderation . Drinking too
much can give you serious health
problems that will make you look and feel
old. Excessive drinking can cause cancers
of the digestive tract, heart problems,
strokes, high blood pressure, and liver
disease. [12]
If you do drink, you shouldn't drink
more than one drink per day as a
woman or a man over 65. Men under
65 can drink up two drinks per day. [13]
Preserve your health by not smoking .
Smoking will age your skin, reduce
your stamina, and give you serious health
problems. Smoking can cause a number of
diseases and make you look older. [14]
Smoking can contribute or cause lung
diseases, heart attacks, strokes,
diabetes, eye disorders like cataracts,
respiratory infections, gum diseases,
and various cancers (from cancer of
the esophagus to cancer of the mouth,
lungs, bladder, throat, or kidneys). [15]
Even if you’ve smoked for many years,
quitting will still improve your health,
let your body heal, and make you look
and feel younger.
Protect your skin with sunscreen.
Tanning, whether from natural sunlight
or from a tanning bed, exposes you to
ultraviolet radiation which damages your
skin. [16]
Avoid wrinkles, sun damage, and skin
cancer by using sunscreen when you
are exposed to strong sunlight.
Spray tans have chemicals that
shouldn’t be inhaled[17] and tanning
pills have chemicals that can turn
cause hives, liver damage, and vision
problems. [18] If you get a spray tan,
make sure you hold your breath and
close your eyes, and make sure the
facility is well-ventilated. You can also
try using a self-tanning lotion, which is
generally considered safe. [19]
Stay hydrated. Hydration keeps your
skin hydrated and helps you stay
healthy. It helps flush toxins from your
body, helping you look and feel younger. [20]
Adults should consume about 16 cups
(4 quarts) of fluids thought the day —
this includes water from foods, water,
and other beverages, like milk, juice,
and even coffee. [21]
Method Three of Four:
Eating Well to Look and Feel Good
Keep your body resilient by eating
enough protein. Your body needs
protein to heal and regenerate damaged or
old tissues. [22] Two to three servings of
protein rich foods per day should be plenty
for the average adult.
1 ounce of meat counts as equivalent
to one ounce of protein, but so does a
single egg, 1/4 cup of cooked beans,
and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. [23]
From age 19 to 30, women should eat
5 1/2 ounce-equivalents of protein per
day, while women over age 30 should
eat 5 ounce- equivalents of protein per
day. Men age 19 to 30 should
consume 6 1/2 ounce-equivalents of
protein per day; from 31 to 50, men
should eat 6 ounce-equivalents, and
over 50, you should eat 5 1/2 ounce-
equivalents of protein per day. [24]
Give yourself the energy to lead an
active lifestyle. Carbohydrates provide
energy for you to get out and move. You
should be getting about half of your calories
from carbohydrates. [25]
Try to choose unprocessed, whole
grains over processed carbohydrates.
For instance, eat whole-grain pasta,
whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, fruits,
and vegetables over foods such as
white bread, soda, fruit juice, or
desserts. Whole grains have more fiber
and keep you fuller for longer, as it
takes your body longer to process. [26]
Keep your youth by eating lots of
fresh fruit and vegetables. A healthy
diet with fruits and vegetables will provide
you with the nutrients you need for an
active, on-the-go lifestyle. [27] Try to eat
the rainbow, meaning you should vary the
color of your fruits and vegetables, as they
all have different nutrients. For instance,
greens are high in vitamin K, which can
help reduce bruising, while red vegetables,
such as tomatoes, are high in lycopene,
which can help protect your skin from the
sun. [28]
On a 2,000 calorie diet, you should eat
2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of
vegetables a day. [29]
Fruits and vegetables are low in
calories and fat, but high in fiber and
vitamins. This healthy eating pattern
will reduce your risk for getting cancer,
heart problems, high blood pressure,
strokes, and diabetes.
Slow down on fat. As you get older,
your metabolism slows down and you
want to be careful not to gain too much
weight. You should keep your daily intake of
fat under 65 grams. [30]
Try to pick healthy fats over unhealthy
fats. Unhealthy fats include saturated
fats (mainly in fatty beef, chicken with
the skin still on, and full-fat dairy) [31]
and trans fats (mainly in hydrogenated
oils and processed foods). [32]
Healthier fats include
monounsaturated fats (in olive oil,
sesame oil, peanut oil, peanut butter,
and avocado, to name a few), [33]
polyunsaturated fats (in many plant-
based oils), and omega-3 fatty acids
(mainly in fish). [34]
Eating too much fat increases your
chances of high cholesterol, heart
problems, and strokes. You can reduce
your fat consumption by eating lean
meats, poultry, fish, and choosing low-
fat dairy products. [35]
Maintain a low-salt diet. Reducing salt
will help you avoid high blood pressure
and reduce your chances of heart, liver and
kidney conditions. While you need some salt
to stay healthy, too much is not good. [36]
Adults should consume no more than
about a teaspoon of salt per day,
which is about 2,300 milligrams of salt
per day. If you have a health condition,
such as high blood pressure, you need
to keep your intake under 1,500
milligrams per day. [37]
Read labels, as many products have
more salt than you would think. Often,
processed foods, such as canned
vegetables, lunch meats, frozen foods,
and pickles, are high in salt.
Method Four of Four:
Keeping Your Brain Sharp and Active
Stay mentally resilient by getting
enough sleep. Sleep deprivation will
make you feel foggy, out of it, and irritable.
[38] Therefore, getting enough sleep will
help you feel younger. Also, not getting
enough sleep can leave you looking
dragged-down, so getting your rest will also
help you look younger.
You should try to get seven to nine
hours of sleep every night. [39]
Dedicate time to relax and recharge.
Use a relaxation technique to help you
take a mental break from the world around
you and reduce the physical toll that stress
takes on the body. [40] For instance, you
could try deep breathing , yoga , meditation,
art or music therapy, or tai chi.
One way to relax through breathing is
to try the 4-7-8 method. That is,
breathe in for four counts. Hold your
breath for seven counts, and then
blow out for eight counts. Focus on
your breathing as you repeat it over
and over until you relax. Make sure to
breathe in through your nose and out
through your mouth. [41]
Take up new hobbies . New hobbies
will challenge your mind, keeping you
engaged in the world. In addition, you may
meet people through your hobbies. [42]
Keeping yourself interested in the
world will keep you happier, and as
was noted, happier people look
You can try anything from cooking to
woodworking to volunteering at your
local soup kitchen. You could even try
a sport. [43] Try your local parks and
rec department for opportunities
available in your area.
Stay connected to loved ones. Friends
and family will provide you with
support, distraction, advice, and help when
you need it. [44] Staying involved with
friends and family will be a source of
emotional fulfillment and keep you happier
and engaged.
Try using social media to stay in touch
with friends and family who are far
If you are not close with your family or
don't have family but would like to talk
to someone, try calling a Warm Line,
which is a peer-run non-crisis hotline.
[45] You don't need to be in crisis to
call — anyone who wants to talk is
welcome to call this toll-free service.
You can meed people by going to
religious services, meetups, classes,
and community events.
Drink your coffee. Some studies have
shown that drinking coffee can reduce
your risk of developingand Feel Better
If you want to look and feel younger, you're
certainly not alone. You can take some simple
steps to look younger. However, the best
antidote for age is to maintain a healthy
lifestyle, eat right, and keep your brain active.
Method One of Four:
Looking Younger
Take a moment to smile. Simply
looking like you are enjoying life can
make you look younger. Frowning can make
you look older, while not smiling makes you
look the age you are. To seem younger, put
a smile on your face. [1]
Volumize your hair. Your hair can thin
out over time, whether you're a man or
a woman. One way to look younger is to
use a volumizing product to make your hair
look thicker. [2]
One way to add volume is to use a
mousse while your hair is still damp.
Then blow out your hair while using a
round brush to lift sections. If you
point your blow dryer directly at your
roots, you can get even more volume.
Pick a matching color for your hair.
Dying your hair obviously covers gray
hair, which can make you look younger;
however, if you pick a color that is close to
your skin tone, it can help hide your thinning
hair, as your scalp peeking through isn't so
obvious. [4]
Touch up your dye job regularly to
prevent roots from showing.
Keep your skin moisturized.
Moisturized skin looks younger and
healthier overall; dry skin can make you
look older. One way to help moisturize your
skin is to cut down your shower time and
stick to warm water instead of hot water. [5]
Also, look for soaps or cleansers that
have moisturizers in them to help keep
your skin hydrated. When you get out
of the shower, apply a lotion or cream
to help seal water next to your skin,
providing moisture. [6]
Apply moisturizer whenever your face
looks dry. Use a non-oily moisturizer
so that it won’t clog your pores and
cause pimples.
A humidifier in your home can also
help your skin, as can drinking enough
water. [7]
Keep the skin on your face skin
smooth. Use simple care techniques to
prevent pimples and help keep your skin
young. [8] For instance, always remove your
makeup and wash your face before bed.
Not washing your face can lead to your
pores clogging. [9]
Method Two of Four:
Retaining your Youth with a Healthy Lifestyle
Keep your body fit by exercising.
Exercise gives you energy and keeps
you active. In addition, it can help you
maintain a youthful figure. [10] It also tones
your muscles and improves your balance
and coordination, and it releases endorphins
to lift your mood.
For the best results, do both aerobic
exercise to trim down and strength
training to acquire shapely muscles.
Try to jog, walk, swim, or do other
physical (aerobic) activities for 150 to
75 minutes per week; focus on the low
end of that if you exercise more
vigorously and on the high end if you
exercise less vigorously. Aim for two
strength-training sessions, such as
weight lifting, a week. [11]
It may seem like a lot, but 150
minutes a week is really only 30
minutes five days a week. You can
break up those 30 minutes into 10-
minute intervals, which makes it even
easier to stay active.
Drink only in moderation . Drinking too
much can give you serious health
problems that will make you look and feel
old. Excessive drinking can cause cancers
of the digestive tract, heart problems,
strokes, high blood pressure, and liver
disease. [12]
If you do drink, you shouldn't drink
more than one drink per day as a
woman or a man over 65. Men under
65 can drink up two drinks per day. [13]
Preserve your health by not smoking .
Smoking will age your skin, reduce
your stamina, and give you serious health
problems. Smoking can cause a number of
diseases and make you look older. [14]
Smoking can contribute or cause lung
diseases, heart attacks, strokes,
diabetes, eye disorders like cataracts,
respiratory infections, gum diseases,
and various cancers (from cancer of
the esophagus to cancer of the mouth,
lungs, bladder, throat, or kidneys). [15]
Even if you’ve smoked for many years,
quitting will still improve your health,
let your body heal, and make you look
and feel younger.
Protect your skin with sunscreen.
Tanning, whether from natural sunlight
or from a tanning bed, exposes you to
ultraviolet radiation which damages your
skin. [16]
Avoid wrinkles, sun damage, and skin
cancer by using sunscreen when you
are exposed to strong sunlight.
Spray tans have chemicals that
shouldn’t be inhaled[17] and tanning
pills have chemicals that can turn
cause hives, liver damage, and vision
problems. [18] If you get a spray tan,
make sure you hold your breath and
close your eyes, and make sure the
facility is well-ventilated. You can also
try using a self-tanning lotion, which is
generally considered safe. [19]
Stay hydrated. Hydration keeps your
skin hydrated and helps you stay
healthy. It helps flush toxins from your
body, helping you look and feel younger. [20]
Adults should consume about 16 cups
(4 quarts) of fluids thought the day —
this includes water from foods, water,
and other beverages, like milk, juice,
and even coffee. [21]
Method Three of Four:
Eating Well to Look and Feel Good
Keep your body resilient by eating
enough protein. Your body needs
protein to heal and regenerate damaged or
old tissues. [22] Two to three servings of
protein rich foods per day should be plenty
for the average adult.
1 ounce of meat counts as equivalent
to one ounce of protein, but so does a
single egg, 1/4 cup of cooked beans,
and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. [23]
From age 19 to 30, women should eat
5 1/2 ounce-equivalents of protein per
day, while women over age 30 should
eat 5 ounce- equivalents of protein per
day. Men age 19 to 30 should
consume 6 1/2 ounce-equivalents of
protein per day; from 31 to 50, men
should eat 6 ounce-equivalents, and
over 50, you should eat 5 1/2 ounce-
equivalents of protein per day. [24]
Give yourself the energy to lead an
active lifestyle. Carbohydrates provide
energy for you to get out and move. You
should be getting about half of your calories
from carbohydrates. [25]
Try to choose unprocessed, whole
grains over processed carbohydrates.
For instance, eat whole-grain pasta,
whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, fruits,
and vegetables over foods such as
white bread, soda, fruit juice, or
desserts. Whole grains have more fiber
and keep you fuller for longer, as it
takes your body longer to process. [26]
Keep your youth by eating lots of
fresh fruit and vegetables. A healthy
diet with fruits and vegetables will provide
you with the nutrients you need for an
active, on-the-go lifestyle. [27] Try to eat
the rainbow, meaning you should vary the
color of your fruits and vegetables, as they
all have different nutrients. For instance,
greens are high in vitamin K, which can
help reduce bruising, while red vegetables,
such as tomatoes, are high in lycopene,
which can help protect your skin from the
sun. [28]
On a 2,000 calorie diet, you should eat
2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of
vegetables a day. [29]
Fruits and vegetables are low in
calories and fat, but high in fiber and
vitamins. This healthy eating pattern
will reduce your risk for getting cancer,
heart problems, high blood pressure,
strokes, and diabetes.
Slow down on fat. As you get older,
your metabolism slows down and you
want to be careful not to gain too much
weight. You should keep your daily intake of
fat under 65 grams. [30]
Try to pick healthy fats over unhealthy
fats. Unhealthy fats include saturated
fats (mainly in fatty beef, chicken with
the skin still on, and full-fat dairy) [31]
and trans fats (mainly in hydrogenated
oils and processed foods). [32]
Healthier fats include
monounsaturated fats (in olive oil,
sesame oil, peanut oil, peanut butter,
and avocado, to name a few), [33]
polyunsaturated fats (in many plant-
based oils), and omega-3 fatty acids
(mainly in fish). [34]
Eating too much fat increases your
chances of high cholesterol, heart
problems, and strokes. You can reduce
your fat consumption by eating lean
meats, poultry, fish, and choosing low-
fat dairy products. [35]
Maintain a low-salt diet. Reducing salt
will help you avoid high blood pressure
and reduce your chances of heart, liver and
kidney conditions. While you need some salt
to stay healthy, too much is not good. [36]
Adults should consume no more than
about a teaspoon of salt per day,
which is about 2,300 milligrams of salt
per day. If you have a health condition,
such as high blood pressure, you need
to keep your intake under 1,500
milligrams per day. [37]
Read labels, as many products have
more salt than you would think. Often,
processed foods, such as canned
vegetables, lunch meats, frozen foods,
and pickles, are high in salt.
Method Four of Four:
Keeping Your Brain Sharp and Active
Stay mentally resilient by getting
enough sleep. Sleep deprivation will
make you feel foggy, out of it, and irritable.
[38] Therefore, getting enough sleep will
help you feel younger. Also, not getting
enough sleep can leave you looking
dragged-down, so getting your rest will also
help you look younger.
You should try to get seven to nine
hours of sleep every night. [39]
Dedicate time to relax and recharge.
Use a relaxation technique to help you
take a mental break from the world around
you and reduce the physical toll that stress
takes on the body. [40] For instance, you
could try deep breathing , yoga , meditation,
art or music therapy, or tai chi.
One way to relax through breathing is
to try the 4-7-8 method. That is,
breathe in for four counts. Hold your
breath for seven counts, and then
blow out for eight counts. Focus on
your breathing as you repeat it over
and over until you relax. Make sure to
breathe in through your nose and out
through your mouth. [41]
Take up new hobbies . New hobbies
will challenge your mind, keeping you
engaged in the world. In addition, you may
meet people through your hobbies. [42]
Keeping yourself interested in the
world will keep you happier, and as
was noted, happier people look
You can try anything from cooking to
woodworking to volunteering at your
local soup kitchen. You could even try
a sport. [43] Try your local parks and
rec department for opportunities
available in your area.
Stay connected to loved ones. Friends
and family will provide you with
support, distraction, advice, and help when
you need it. [44] Staying involved with
friends and family will be a source of
emotional fulfillment and keep you happier
and engaged.
Try using social media to stay in touch
with friends and family who are far
If you are not close with your family or
don't have family but would like to talk
to someone, try calling a Warm Line,
which is a peer-run non-crisis hotline.
[45] You don't need to be in crisis to
call — anyone who wants to talk is
welcome to call this toll-free service.
You can meed people by going to
religious services, meetups, classes,
and community events.
Drink your coffee. Some studies have
shown that drinking coffee can reduce
your risk of developing dementia. So go
aheadand Feel Better
If you want to look and feel younger, you're
certainly not alone. You can take some simple
steps to look younger. However, the best
antidote for age is to maintain a healthy
lifestyle, eat right, and keep your brain active.
Method One of Four:
Looking Younger
Take a moment to smile. Simply
looking like you are enjoying life can
make you look younger. Frowning can make
you look older, while not smiling makes you
look the age you are. To seem younger, put
a smile on your face. [1]
Volumize your hair. Your hair can thin
out over time, whether you're a man or
a woman. One way to look younger is to
use a volumizing product to make your hair
look thicker. [2]
One way to add volume is to use a
mousse while your hair is still damp.
Then blow out your hair while using a
round brush to lift sections. If you
point your blow dryer directly at your
roots, you can get even more volume.
Pick a matching color for your hair.
Dying your hair obviously covers gray
hair, which can make you look younger;
however, if you pick a color that is close to
your skin tone, it can help hide your thinning
hair, as your scalp peeking through isn't so
obvious. [4]
Touch up your dye job regularly to
prevent roots from showing.
Keep your skin moisturized.
Moisturized skin looks younger and
healthier overall; dry skin can make you
look older. One way to help moisturize your
skin is to cut down your shower time and
stick to warm water instead of hot water. [5]
Also, look for soaps or cleansers that
have moisturizers in them to help keep
your skin hydrated. When you get out
of the shower, apply a lotion or cream
to help seal water next to your skin,
providing moisture. [6]
Apply moisturizer whenever your face
looks dry. Use a non-oily moisturizer
so that it won’t clog your pores and
cause pimples.
A humidifier in your home can also
help your skin, as can drinking enough
water. [7]
Keep the skin on your face skin
smooth. Use simple care techniques to
prevent pimples and help keep your skin
young. [8] For instance, always remove your
makeup and wash your face before bed.
Not washing your face can lead to your
pores clogging. [9]
Method Two of Four:
Retaining your Youth with a Healthy Lifestyle
Keep your body fit by exercising.
Exercise gives you energy and keeps
you active. In addition, it can help you
maintain a youthful figure. [10] It also tones
your muscles and improves your balance
and coordination, and it releases endorphins
to lift your mood.
For the best results, do both aerobic
exercise to trim down and strength
training to acquire shapely muscles.
Try to jog, walk, swim, or do other
physical (aerobic) activities for 150 to
75 minutes per week; focus on the low
end of that if you exercise more
vigorously and on the high end if you
exercise less vigorously. Aim for two
strength-training sessions, such as
weight lifting, a week. [11]
It may seem like a lot, but 150
minutes a week is really only 30
minutes five days a week. You can
break up those 30 minutes into 10-
minute intervals, which makes it even
easier to stay active.
Drink only in moderation . Drinking too
much can give you serious health
problems that will make you look and feel
old. Excessive drinking can cause cancers
of the digestive tract, heart problems,
strokes, high blood pressure, and liver
disease. [12]
If you do drink, you shouldn't drink
more than one drink per day as a
woman or a man over 65. Men under
65 can drink up two drinks per day. [13]
Preserve your health by not smoking .
Smoking will age your skin, reduce
your stamina, and give you serious health
problems. Smoking can cause a number of
diseases and make you look older. [14]
Smoking can contribute or cause lung
diseases, heart attacks, strokes,
diabetes, eye disorders like cataracts,
respiratory infections, gum diseases,
and various cancers (from cancer of
the esophagus to cancer of the mouth,
lungs, bladder, throat, or kidneys). [15]
Even if you’ve smoked for many years,
quitting will still improve your health,
let your body heal, and make you look
and feel younger.
Protect your skin with sunscreen.
Tanning, whether from natural sunlight
or from a tanning bed, exposes you to
ultraviolet radiation which damages your
skin. [16]
Avoid wrinkles, sun damage, and skin
cancer by using sunscreen when you
are exposed to strong sunlight.
Spray tans have chemicals that
shouldn’t be inhaled[17] and tanning
pills have chemicals that can turn
cause hives, liver damage, and vision
problems. [18] If you get a spray tan,
make sure you hold your breath and
close your eyes, and make sure the
facility is well-ventilated. You can also
try using a self-tanning lotion, which is
generally considered safe. [19]
Stay hydrated. Hydration keeps your
skin hydrated and helps you stay
healthy. It helps flush toxins from your
body, helping you look and feel younger. [20]
Adults should consume about 16 cups
(4 quarts) of fluids thought the day —
this includes water from foods, water,
and other beverages, like milk, juice,
and even coffee. [21]
Method Three of Four:
Eating Well to Look and Feel Good
Keep your body resilient by eating
enough protein. Your body needs
protein to heal and regenerate damaged or
old tissues. [22] Two to three servings of
protein rich foods per day should be plenty
for the average adult.
1 ounce of meat counts as equivalent
to one ounce of protein, but so does a
single egg, 1/4 cup of cooked beans,
and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. [23]
From age 19 to 30, women should eat
5 1/2 ounce-equivalents of protein per
day, while women over age 30 should
eat 5 ounce- equivalents of protein per
day. Men age 19 to 30 should
consume 6 1/2 ounce-equivalents of
protein per day; from 31 to 50, men
should eat 6 ounce-equivalents, and
over 50, you should eat 5 1/2 ounce-
equivalents of protein per day. [24]
Give yourself the energy to lead an
active lifestyle. Carbohydrates provide
energy for you to get out and move. You
should be getting about half of your calories
from carbohydrates. [25]
Try to choose unprocessed, whole
grains over processed carbohydrates.
For instance, eat whole-grain pasta,
whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, fruits,
and vegetables over foods such as
white bread, soda, fruit juice, or
desserts. Whole grains have more fiber
and keep you fuller for longer, as it
takes your body longer to process. [26]
Keep your youth by eating lots of
fresh fruit and vegetables. A healthy
diet with fruits and vegetables will provide
you with the nutrients you need for an
active, on-the-go lifestyle. [27] Try to eat
the rainbow, meaning you should vary the
color of your fruits and vegetables, as they
all have different nutrients. For instance,
greens are high in vitamin K, which can
help reduce bruising, while red vegetables,
such as tomatoes, are high in lycopene,
which can help protect your skin from the
sun. [28]
On a 2,000 calorie diet, you should eat
2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of
vegetables a day. [29]
Fruits and vegetables are low in
calories and fat, but high in fiber and
vitamins. This healthy eating pattern
will reduce your risk for getting cancer,
heart problems, high blood pressure,
strokes, and diabetes.
Slow down on fat. As you get older,
your metabolism slows down and you
want to be careful not to gain too much
weight. You should keep your daily intake of
fat under 65 grams. [30]
Try to pick healthy fats over unhealthy
fats. Unhealthy fats include saturated
fats (mainly in fatty beef, chicken with
the skin still on, and full-fat dairy) [31]
and trans fats (mainly in hydrogenated
oils and processed foods). [32]
Healthier fats include
monounsaturated fats (in olive oil,
sesame oil, peanut oil, peanut butter,
and avocado, to name a few), [33]
polyunsaturated fats (in many plant-
based oils), and omega-3 fatty acids
(mainly in fish). [34]
Eating too much fat increases your
chances of high cholesterol, heart
problems, and strokes. You can reduce
your fat consumption by eating lean
meats, poultry, fish, and choosing low-
fat dairy products. [35]
Maintain a low-salt diet. Reducing salt
will help you avoid high blood pressure
and reduce your chances of heart, liver and
kidney conditions. While you need some salt
to stay healthy, too much is not good. [36]
Adults should consume no more than
about a teaspoon of salt per day,
which is about 2,300 milligrams of salt
per day. If you have a health condition,
such as high blood pressure, you need
to keep your intake under 1,500
milligrams per day. [37]
Read labels, as many products have
more salt than you would think. Often,
processed foods, such as canned
vegetables, lunch meats, frozen foods,
and pickles, are high in salt.
Method Four of Four:
Keeping Your Brain Sharp and Active
Stay mentally resilient by getting
enough sleep. Sleep deprivation will
make you feel foggy, out of it, and irritable.
[38] Therefore, getting enough sleep will
help you feel younger. Also, not getting
enough sleep can leave you looking
dragged-down, so getting your rest will also
help you look younger.
You should try to get seven to nine
hours of sleep every night. [39]
Dedicate time to relax and recharge.
Use a relaxation technique to help you
take a mental break from the world around
you and reduce the physical toll that stress
takes on the body. [40] For instance, you
could try deep breathing , yoga , meditation,
art or music therapy, or tai chi.
One way to relax through breathing is
to try the 4-7-8 method. That is,
breathe in for four counts. Hold your
breath for seven counts, and then
blow out for eight counts. Focus on
your breathing as you repeat it over
and over until you relax. Make sure to
breathe in through your nose and out
through your mouth. [41]
Take up new hobbies . New hobbies
will challenge your mind, keeping you
engaged in the world. In addition, you may
meet people through your hobbies. [42]
Keeping yourself interested in the
world will keep you happier, and as
was noted, happier people look
You can try anything from cooking to
woodworking to volunteering at your
local soup kitchen. You could even try
a sport. [43] Try your local parks and
rec department for opportunities
available in your area.
Stay connected to loved ones. Friends
and family will provide you with
support, distraction, advice, and help when
you need it. [44] Staying involved with
friends and family will be a source of
emotional fulfillment and keep you happier
and engaged.
Try using social media to stay in touch
with friends and family who are far
If you are not close with your family or
don't have family but would like to talk
to someone, try calling a Warm Line,
which is a peer-run non-crisis hotline.
[45] You don't need to be in crisis to
call — anyone who wants to talk is
welcome to call this toll-free service.
You can meed people by going to
religious services, meetups, classes,
and community events.
Drink your coffee. Some studies have
shown that drinking coffee can reduce
your risk of developing dementia. So go
ahead and have a cup or three a day. [47]