Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Value yourself and health

Ways to value yourself

1. Care for your needs.
According to Hanks, “A great place to start
cultivating a healthy relationship with yourself is
by caring for your basic physical needs.” That
includes getting enough sleep and rest, eating
nutrients and exercising.
Conway agreed. She stressed the importance of
giving yourself the space to discover and
connect to “what feeds you in mind, body and
2. Joy is important.
“Prioritize the activities that bring you joy and
fill your emotional reserves,” Hanks said.
Conway suggested giving yourself treats every
day, such as “a walk in the park, a small bar of
chocolate, a long bath [or] a yoga class.”
3. Focus on your inner world.
According to Hanks, a healthy relationship with
yourself also includes being aware of your
internal processes. She suggested simply
asking yourself these questions on a regular
basis: “What am I feeling? What am I thinking?”
Also, consider the why behind your behavior,
thoughts and feelings. For instance, Hanks
suggested asking: “I wonder why that’s
bothering me? I wonder why I’m feeling more
lonely lately?”
Journaling and therapy are other vehicles for
becoming more self-aware, she said.
Conway teaches several online courses and
offers a free workbook , which also help readers
tune into their inner lives.
4. Regularly make time for yourself.
For instance, “Sit quietly for 10 minutes in the
morning with your first cup of coffee,” Conway
said. “Find books that speak to your soul and
steal moments to dig into them every day,” she
5. Meditate.
“I find the most useful method to be the gift, to
oneself, of a daily meditation,” Duffy said. “In
those moments between the thoughts, we allow
ourselves peace of mind that can carry us
through even the most stressful days.” These
are several suggestions on meditating:

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Keeping your face free of pimples

What is more annoying than having a big pimple on your face? Pimples are very annoying because they are visible. Most of the things causing pimples are the food we eat,creams we rob,and sometimes due to maturity. TO BE PIMPLES FREE WE HAVE TO BE ABLE TO: 1. Stop some kind of food we eat ,like food with lot of fat and oil. Our face already has a lot of oil and eating this unhealthy foods are just prefect for subborn pimples.
2. Use lemon juice(not lime) to wash your face every morning, and use aloe vera juice every night on your face before going to sleep 3.lick one lime orange every morning before eating food to burn excess fat in your system note: lemon juice contains an active ingredient called,L_ascorbic acid which is a potent antioxidant that helps treat acne and promote healing to the skin

Monday, 2 May 2016

Have you thought about how much your body needs rest

Your body won't mind a little rest you know? Most of the times our body wants to rest after a long days job and instead of rest it gets more job which isn't fair. How do you know your body needs rest?let me tell you. Have you ever felt so tired you needed to sit? Have you drank water just to control your breath? Have you felt so sleepy you can't even walk a mile? Have you felt a headache just by talking? Have you even felt lightheaded when walking on the road? Now think of things you feel after working 7hours long. Sometimes you don't feel anything at all but that should'nt stop you from closing your books,laptop,ipad,files and so on and rest for at least one hour. Its not a must you sleep,just rest at least once during work time,keep you item on your desk and rest your back in your chair,it will help you relax and think fast. Try this and tell me the result

Your choices affects your health

Your health is a reflexion of your choice your choices affects your health whether positvely or negatively. How do you think a wealthy man gets a heartattack just by recieving a news of his bad investment? And some dies in the process. Making the right choices means staying healthy and staying healthy means hearing the right words.

Your body,health and mind

How we live is a common contributor to our problems. Stroke. Heart disease. Diabetes. Cancer. All this are part of lifes biggest problem to mankind. But natural and science has help build a way to fight them. 1. Exercise it is a very good way for our body,heart and mind to get off time that stress,turn off your phone,tv,computer and exercise at least 20mins everyday. in order to work your heart,it's got to be aerobic exercise,you can either swim,jogg,bike,row machines,elliptical machine etc. Walking is also a great exercise,use 10mins here and there everyday,it all counts,start from little thinga like if you have a car,park along the way and work the remaining way,instead of the elevator take the stairs and use two at a time,walk to your spouse,you will get a bonus-relaxation and stress reduction. pick food with health recommendation: food is also a good way to start,we love food with a lot of oil which isn't right,our health depends on our eating also and we must right. FOOD RECOMMENDABLE 1. Low cholesterol food like,beans,unripe plantain ,oats,red wine,nuts,garlic,olive oil,avocado. 2.Fruit like papaya(pawpaw),apple,water melon,grapes,orange,pine apple,tomatoes etc. Try eating good food and rest alot after an exercise.

do you know your body should be valued?

When you ask people about how they feel about themself,they give you the negative answer which shouldn't be. But have you ever asked yourself or wonder about how much our body is worth to God and man? Think for a moment before you continue reading. In other to value your body you should first put value on you. As humans our body contains different parts *hands *legs *teeth *toes *cheeks *tougue *skull *saliver *sweat *head *eyes *thighs *waist Think about this again and imagine you without all this elements and you will realise that your body worth more and you should put more value on it. Your body worths more so put value to it

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Healthy lifestyle

YOUR HEALTHY SHOULD BE VALUED BY YOU Throughout your teens and twenties,it's pretty normal to take our health for granted.After all if we're injured we bounce back pretty quickly.losing and gaining weight is not an issue. but when we grow older we see the reason to value our health. HEALTHY LIFESTYLE maintaning a healthy lifestyle is more than showering regularly and brushing your teeth,it's about grooming your body through regular exercise and maintaining your commitment to yourself through a healthy diet. It's about series of choices that we make every single day and making good on those choice . E..g *work out or sleep another thirty minutes? *eat grilled fish and rice or pick up a burger or snack and fries from a fast food restaurant? *drink mineral or water *take a daily vitamin or skip it. Life is a series of choices you make on your health and how to follow it. Choose to life healthy and skip fast food for home made food also tone up our bodies and exercise regularly. What healthy lifestyle have you made today?


Tomatoes are loaded with incredible versatile and can be prepared in a seemingly endless number of dishes and they are also great when eaten fresh. They are good for your skin and helps prevent several types of cancer,they help maintain strong bones,if we don't like or eat tomatoes we should start now because it help our body function well and helps us stay healthy. EAT FOOD WITH A LOT OF TOMATOES TODAY AND SOMETIMES EAT IT FRESH